What Existed Before Creation?

God created this universe. The chronological sequence of what came first and how long it took for things to appear is still debated. This study will take a closer look at what the bible reveals.


Obed Ortiz

23 min read

The sequence of events when God created the universe may not be the same sequence that everyone pictures in their mind when they read the creation narrative in Genesis. The Bible does not go into much detail regarding this. However, the Bible does say that we are to study God’s creation for it testifies of Him. “The heavens declare the glory of God, And the firmament shows His handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1) “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20) Why would the bible say this and expect us not to follow through? If the heavens declare God’s glory, shouldn’t we pay attention? Apparently, they are declaring (communicating) something to us about God’s greatness. Creation is an open book of nature, and it is for us to read and understand it. Scientists have had a crack at it, unfortunately, in their efforts to study the created universe; they have removed God from the equation. In doing so, all kinds of theories have arisen. These theories have become the standard and now it is the only explanation available in the public view. If we instead keep in the forefront that God was creatively involved in the origin of everything that exists, we then can get a better picture of what it is that nature is declaring to us.

Let us take a little journey around God’s creation. We can easily use some tools available to us. Google.com has photographed almost every square inch of this planet, they did the same with our skies. Go to the following link (http://www.google.com/sky/) and just enjoy browsing the sky. There are a series of photographic links you can click on along the bottom where you can view certain space highlights more in detail. All this is in full 360-degree perspective and yet, it is but a microscopic view of everything God has created. The question may arise, did God create all this first day of creation week? Or maybe He created all this, on the fourth day when the Bible seems to imply that the entire starry host was created. The goal here is to attempt to show that the universe was not created during the 6-day creation narrative in Genesis 1. The creation narrative applied only to this planet alone and not the entire cosmos.

So, what existed before the six-day creation? If we believe that everything that exists was created during the six-day creation week, we may want to reconsider this position. “The heavens declare the glory of God. And the firmament shows His handiwork.” If we allow God’s created universe to speak to us, it will tell us a whole different story than what we have understood for so many years.  Was the universe created in six days, or was the six-day creation week specifically concerning this earth alone? We read the creation story in Genesis chapter one and we are satisfied with the story as it is presented there. We feel we are not going any further and simply believe blindly and naively in the plain unelaborated text. It is true that God wants us to believe as little children do (Mark 10:15), however, God does not want us to remain childlike robotic believers who never dig any deeper than what is plainly in front of our faces (Hebrews 5:12-14). God wants us to have faith as little children do, but when it comes to researching for truth, God wants us to search for it as if it were hidden treasure.

“My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.“ (Proverbs 2:1-6 NIV)

It is not God’s intention that we read his word and accept everything we read without any research or comparative study. His word is to be delved into as if hunting for pearls in the deep sea.  Each one of us has read the Bible in its entirety at least once. I have done this many times, but I confess that just reading the Bible in this manner does not make me understand the depths of its truths any better unless I research a specific topic to the fullest, and even then, there is more to that topic that I have yet to discover. The creation story is one of those topics that has way too many hidden truths. To blindly assume that what is presented in Genesis 1 is all there is to know about the origins of the universe, is a huge mistake. Scientists today explain the origin of the cosmos by first assuming there is no God. On that basis, all kinds of evolutionary theories emerge. So, the attempt here is to set up a series of assumptions to establish a basis on which the creation story is built upon. First, we are to gather certain facts about God and His creation. These facts become the pillars by which we are to reference so that everything related to the creation story constantly agrees and harmonizes with these factual pillars of truth. Once we have the basis established, everything relating to creation must align itself with the underlying facts. If it does not, something went wrong, and we need to backtrack. The five facts below will be used to keep in the forefront before we proceed with this discussion.

  1. God created everything that exists. (Hebrews 3:4Colossians 1:16-17)

  2. God has a pattern of behavior. He is the same throughout eternity and never changes. (Malachi 3:6Psalm 102:27)

  3. God’s truth is progressive, according to our level of understanding. (1 Peter 2:2)

  4. Truth can withstand all scrutiny. (1 Thessalonians 5:21Isaiah 28:10)

  5. Scriptural truth must be verified from multiple sources. (2 Corinthians 13:1John 8:17)

How do we do this? How do we know that the Bible is true? Apparently, we cannot depend on the Bible alone in order to verify its truth. To verify the accuracy of any witness you must go outside of that witness as the only source of information. We know what the Bible says, but do we understand what it means? This is the reason why the Bible has so many writers. One man’s word is not sufficient. For that matter, any man’s word falls short, so we must go beyond words. This is the case with creation. The Bible gives us the facts in the written text; it then encourages us to seek out the facts in places where mere words are inadequate.

“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) What is being said here? Is this day one of creation week, or is this something that happened before the creation week began? If you look online to see what others say about this, you will find hundreds maybe thousands of opinions out there. Who is to say that mine is not just another one of those thousands of inaccurate opinions out there? It very well may be. But then again, how would we know if we do not do our own research and figure it out ourselves? If we were Moses writing “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” wouldn’t we lay out some facts that would help to elaborate our premise? Quite frankly, he did. He was a learned student at the best Universities in Egypt. He was primed to be the next Pharaoh. Yes, he knew how to write a book. He says that heaven and earth were created in the beginning. Were the beginning of earth and the beginning of heaven two different time episodes or were they both the same event? To answer that we should let him, the author, define his own terms.

Moses wrote, “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” Now let us look at the definition of terms.

  1. Heaven = “And God called the firmament Heaven”( Genesis 1:8)

  2. Earth = “And God called the dry land Earth” (Genesis 1:10)

So, according to the definitions given by the author of this narrative, can we conclude that the “heaven and earth” in question here is the ground we stand on and our immediate sky? The Hebrew word for heaven here is “Shamayim” (Strongs #8064) with the following definitions:

  1. heaven, heavens, sky visible heavens, sky as the abode of the stars 

  2. Heaven as the abode of God, the visible universe, the sky,

This is as it is found in the Blue Letter Bible. But the above definitions for “shamayim” still remain unclear as to which of these definitions is the one being used in the text. Moses does us a great favor by providing the definition of the terms we see above.

So, according to Moses, his use of the word “heaven” is in reference to this earth’s firmament, namely, this earth’s Atmosphere.  This is not something he made up; it was God who told him that the firmament was to be called heaven. Why? Obviously, so that Moses would not confuse it with the cosmos. This is the context in which he uses this word in his entire narrative. Unless otherwise stated or redefined, this is his definition of the word heaven in the context of the creation story according to Genesis chapter 1. What exactly is the firmament? The Strongs number is (#7549 Raqiya) with the following definitions:

  1. Extended surface (solid), expanse, a) expanse (flat as base, support) b) firmament (of vault of heaven supporting waters above)

  2. Considered by Hebrews as solid and supporting ‘waters’ above.

Again, we must ask ourselves which of the above definitions is the one that Moses is utilizing in his context. Here we must do a little bit of digging. Moses studied in Egyptian schools. He learned his history from them, and he learned his literature from them. Although he refused to worship the Egyptian gods, he nonetheless received most of his learning from the Egyptian schools. The Egyptians believed that the sky was a solid dome. It was a common belief that the earth was flat and that if you traveled far enough, you would fall off the ends of the earth, and that the heavens were a physically solid dome supported by huge pillars. This dome had many little luminous objects attached to it. This dome also had many “Windows” that opened and closed allowing the sun and moon to pass through and travel across the sky and then exit back out another window. These windows also allowed rain to pass through its dome and fall to the earth. Moses used these terminologies because this is what he was accustomed to. Terms such as “The ends of the earth” (Deut 28:49), “Windows of Heaven”  (Gen 7:11Gen 8:2), and “Pillars of heaven” (Job 26:11) All these give evidence that this school of thought was prevalent back then.

The word “Firmament” is used to translate the Hebrew term “Raqiya”. The word “Firmament” comes from the Latin Vulgate” Firmamentum” which connotes the idea of firmness and conveys to the reader that the object in question is solid. The word “Raqiya” is derived from the Hebrew root word “Raqa” which means to beat or spread out. This conveys the process of making a dish by hammering thin a lump of metal.

These teachings and many others were the schools of thought that Moses grew up with. (Read More) The belief that the sky was a solid dome was shared by many primitive cultures, including ancient Greece, Egypt, China, India, Native Americans, Australian aborigines, and early Christians. Although God revealed many things to Moses, Moses used the words he grew up with to convey the truths he received from God. So, when Moses said, “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” It was not his attempt to summarize the creation of the universe in one sentence; he was simply following the standard book format of his creation narrative, (i.e. Introduction, Body, and Conclusion) Since the body of his narrative never mentioned the creation of the universe, then it stands to reason that the introduction was in reference to the body of his narrative which was in reference to this earth alone. If we believe that what occurred on the fourth day was a narrative of God creating the Sun, moon, and Stars, we need to backtrack and get the facts straight before we go on otherwise, we will build on a false premise from here on throughout the rest of the Bible.

Did God create the universe on the fourth day, or as some would believe the Milky Way Galaxy? First of all, Moses was explaining what he observed taking place on the fourth day. His concept of the cosmos was as he had learned it straight from the Egyptian schools. He was explaining what was occurring in the firmament. The fact that he used the term firmament (Raqiya) gives evidence that he was still under the impression that the sky was a solid dome at the time of the writing of his creation narrative. God did not reveal all the secrets of the universe to him all in one sitting, He had to unlearn much of what he was taught by the Egyptians.

“Moses had been learning much which he must unlearn. The influence which had surrounded him in Egypt, the love of his adopted mother, his own high position as the king’s grandson, the enchantments of grandeur in art, the dissipation on every hand, the imposing display connected with the idolatrous worship, and the constant repetition, by the priests, of countless fables concerning the power of their gods,—all had left deep impressions upon his developing mind, and had molded, to some extent, his habits and character. These impressions, time, change of surroundings, and close connection with God, could remove. Yet it must be by earnest, persevering effort, a struggle as for life, with himself, to uproot the seeds of error, and in their place have truth firmly implanted. At every point, Satan would be prepared to strengthen error and dislodge truth; but while God designed that Moses should be self-trained by severe discipline, he himself would be his ever-ready helper against Satan when the conflict should be too severe for human strength.” (ST February 19 1880 Par. 10)

God just gave him what needed to be revealed so that all would know that it was God who did all these things. In literal terms, this firmament was simply our immediate atmosphere. It was beneath this firmament (Raqiya or Solid Dome) that the birds of the air took flight. Moses was slowly being indoctrinated about the truth relating to the cosmos. He did not learn it all overnight. He envisioned God placing this so-called solid dome above the earth to divide the waters above from the waters below. Moses said that God created a firmament to divide the waters above from the waters below. This is how he wrote it because this is how he saw it. On the second day, God exposed the dry land. On the fourth day Moses simply described to the best of his ability what he observed took place within our immediate atmosphere. He did not take flight and watched creation taking place from the perspective of space; he watched it taking place from the perspective of the earth looking up.

How do we know that Moses was describing something he saw rather than something that was being dictated to him? Had it been dictated to him by God, he would have never used words to convey a false idea such as a solid sky dome of which Raqiya implies. How do we explain the description of the earth in (Genesis 1:2)? “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” This is more consistent with a visual description rather than a dictated word-for-word description. Moses described what he saw and heard. Has any prophet written anything that was dictated? Yes. Read the prophecies of Daniel. There was much that was observed, but there was also much that was dictated by the angel Gabriel. You know what was dictated and what was observed. When Moses heard God speak, he always qualified it with “And God said…” All else was a visual description of what he saw. Moses had no recourse other than to describe what he saw with the only vocabulary he had at his disposal. What he saw taking place on the fourth day was from an observer’s perspective, describing events he believed were happening within the immediate atmosphere of this earth.

Moses had no clue what the universe was really like at the time of his writing of the creation story. All he knew was what he was taught by the Egyptians and what was revealed to him by God concerning the creation of this earth. His concept of the sun and the moon was nothing more than lights up in the sky, nothing more. Our job is to take Moses' narrative, put it together with the latest information we have at our disposal, and reach a conclusion that harmonizes with the current facts as well as the story he wrote. God encourages us to study His handiwork. Why? Obviously, because the written text does not paint the whole picture.

We know that light travels at 186,282 miles per second. The closest star is 4.243 light years away called Proxima Centauri in the constellation of Centaurus. Now, look up the constellation of Centaurus on the internet. Locate the star just mentioned. Now, look at all the other stars that make up the constellation. Are they all stars that are about the same distance from the earth, or do the distances vary? Let us consider one of the stars of this constellation. It is called the Omega Star (ω Centauri) it is star NGC5139. This star is located within our very own Milky Way galaxy. This star, however, is not a single star; it is instead a cluster of stars. But unlike Proximus Centauri, which is only 4.243 light years away, Omega Centauri is over 15,800 light years away. Explain this to the local creation theologian who believes that the universe is no older than 6000 years old. For that matter, those who believe that the Milky Way galaxy was created during the fourth day of creation, explain the fact that the very stars that compose this galaxy exceed the distance it takes the light to get here to the time of the six-day creation six thousand years ago? Why would God encourage us to study His handwork to verify His creation story when His handiwork tells us that it existed before the creation story? Apparently, there is more to the creation story than we think. The constellation of Centaurus is only one of a great many examples that tell us that the universe, including our very own Milky Way galaxy existed way before the creation story.

The furthest visible star in the Milky Way galaxy is UDF2457 about 59,000 light years away. This galaxy spans over 100,000 light years in diameter, and yet, with the aid of the Hubble Telescope, we can view the borders of this entire galaxy. This tells me that the light emitted by these distant stars has traveled about 60,000 years or so to reach our view, assuming we are somewhere near the center of the galaxy. If this galaxy were indeed created during the creation week six thousand years ago, most of the stars of this galaxy would not come into view until 50,000 years or so from now. Since this is not the case, the story of creation must harmonize with the facts that God’s handiwork is communicating to us. God is the one who told us to study His creation. Genesis gives us a small picture of how everything came to be, but by studying God’s creation itself, His handiwork fills in the blanks and we can see a clearer snapshot of the facts. The Hubble Telescope can photograph distant galaxies, nebulas, gas giants, and many other objects that are millions and even billions of light years away. How can we possibly believe that any of these came into existence during the six-day creation week? To explain this away by saying that God could have created a completed beam of light at the time of its birth is just a poor excuse to justify our puny belief that everything in the cosmos was created in a split second while this insignificant microbe of a planet took six days to create. In fact, Genesis 1:2 tells us that this planet had been already here before day one of creation week. Why would Moses be describing this watery world with a submerged solid land mass if it were not there yet?

Moses lived during the time of Israel. Israel was the descendant of Abraham. There were no Jews during the time of Abraham. But we have a contemporary of Abraham, who lived during the same time period whose book is found right in the middle of the bible. Why wasn’t this book located before Genesis? Obviously, the bible was not put together chronologically. It is said that the book of Job is the oldest book in the bible. Truth be said, the book of Job is no older than the Pentateuch (the first five books of the bible) because the author of the book of Job was Moses.

“Those prayers were heard. Could his eyes have been opened, he would have seen the messengers of God, pure, holy angels, bending lovingly over him, shedding their light around him, and preparing to bear his petition to the throne of the Highest. The long years spent amid desert solitudes were not lost. Not only was Moses gaining a preparation for the great work before him, but during this time, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he wrote the book of Genesis and the book of Job, which would be read with the deepest interest by the people of God until the close of time.” (ST February 19, 1880 Par. 14).

Moses did not write everything concerning the origins of the earth in the book of Genesis alone. He had a few things to say about it in the book of Job as well.

“Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb?” (Job 38:8)

Does this sound like the birth of the earth’s ocean waters? He further writes:

“…when I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness, when I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place, when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt’? Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn its place, that it might take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it? (Job 38:9-13)

When did God create clouds? According to the above, the ocean waters were just created. God set boundaries so that the water does not float away into space. He established the gravitational force so that everything remains in its place. Ocean waves can travel endlessly, majestically, and with such power and force that nothing can stop them. But God commands even the waves to be still and to go no further. He talks about the morning and the dawn, apparently referring to the earth’s horizon. There can only be morning and dawn in the presence of daylight, so this is apparently later when God already commanded “Let there be light.” The description of the earth in Genesis was that it was a water world surrounded by water and there was a solid core beneath described as a “Face beneath the deep…”  This water world was in complete darkness for daylight was yet to reach its surface. During the antediluvian era, the bible speaks of a world with no rain. (Genesis 2:5-6) This globe was mostly land and a few seas and rivers. The massive oceans of today did not exist back then either. This planet was a beautiful paradise as a result of the formation of the earth during the six-day creation. But prior to the six-day creation, the earth was a sphere of water surrounded by clouds just the way we read it above in the book of Job. God created this earth long, long ago; wrapped it in thick clouds, and left it there in the darkness to return later.

This is nothing new seeing that even now the planets in our solar system are in the same state as the earth used to be, lifeless, empty, and void. There are no trees or plants or anything growing on any of these planets. They are awaiting the return of their creator to give them shape and life just as He did with the earth.

Let us look at it this way, according to the six-day creation narrative, God did something with the clouds that kept the earth in total darkness and did not allow the light to shine through. When He said, “Let there be light.”, the light of the sun reached the planet through the clouds. That is what happened on day one. On day two, He raised the land mass that was submerged beneath the depths of the water, above the water surface. He accomplished this by expanding the solid earth, creating large pockets and voids within the earth. These large underground cavities are where much of the surface water drained into. Also, a large portion of this surface water went airborne. God created an oxygen-rich atmosphere in between the water above and the water/land below. On day three, God created all the vegetation. On day four God cleared up the clouds that were yet visible above the earth’s atmosphere. By dissipating these clouds, the heavenly objects that were beyond the atmosphere became visible. (Studies In Creationism “The Fourth Day” pg. 79) Day five and six God populated the planet with animals and created man.

The creation story as we read it in Genesis chapter 1 is a chronological narrative that takes place on this planet alone. Since we know there is so much in the universe above and beyond this tiny planet, we can easily assume they all existed before the six-day creation narrative. There is much said on this subject by both evolutionists and creationists. This study disagrees with both. Creationists come in many forms. Some say God created all the material and things progressed from there all on their own. In a sense, it was a type of evolution. Others believe that the entire universe is no older than 6000 years. Most creationists believe the universe is 6000 years old. However, the universe is very, Very, VERY old. The Bible as it reads, paints a completely different picture than that of the typical creationist.

How do we prove that the universe predates the creation account in Genesis chapter one as narrated by Moses? Well, to do that, we must go outside the writings of Moses and put together a collection of facts that will substantiate this premise. Once substantiated, what existed before our creation account would be apparent.

“I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.” (Isaiah 14:13)

When was the Luciferian rebellion in heaven? Satan was once a high and mighty commander of the angels. He used to be a loyal and exalted prince of angels. He was an anointed covering cherub. (Ezekiel 28:13-15) Yet, soon after the creation of Adam and Eve, we see Satan tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Clearly, he was already a fallen angel when he was tempting Eve. Would you presume that Lucifer rebelled, warred against God’s government, and was expelled from heaven with a third part of all the heavenly angels, all in a span of a little over seven days during or after creation? The Luciferian rebellion occurred long before the six-day creation. Adam and Eve fell into sin about six thousand years ago. If we have been in sin for a period of 6000 years or so, how long has Lucifer and all of heaven been contending with sin before he and his followers were expelled? No doubt, seeing all the universe hung in the balance, they were given a much longer time than us.

“God in His great mercy bore long with Lucifer. He was not immediately degraded from his exalted station when he first indulged the spirit of discontent, nor even when he began to present his false claims before the loyal angels. Long was he retained in heaven. Again and again, he was offered pardon on condition of repentance and submission. Such efforts as only infinite love and wisdom could devise were made to convince him of his error.” (Great Controversy pg. 495)

During this time, Satan desired to exalt himself “Above the stars of God”. Within this context, he wanted to oversee God’s greatest and brightest kingdoms. How can he possibly do that if there was no universe? There was a created universe with a vast and nearly infinite number of stars that Lucifer so desperately wanted to possess way before the creation account of this planet. This is why he said, “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.” because they were already there.

Let us look at another one:

“Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.” (Job 1:6)

“Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord.” (Job 2:1)

This is going to take a moment to unpack. The question we want to ask here is, who are the “Sons of God”? In this context, the term is plural. In the bible, this plural term has been used to refer to both humans (1 John 3:1-2Genesis 6:2,4John 1:12Romans 8:14,19Philippians 2:15) and angels (Job 1:62:138:7). We are going to focus on the use of this plural term as referred to in the book of Job, in particular Job 1:6 & 2:1. Now the reason this reference is being used as proof that the universe existed before the 6-day creation story is to attempt to show that these “Sons of God” are beings/delegates that reside over the countless infinite number of planets throughout the entire universe.

Who are these “Sons of God”? Suppose these “Sons of God” as referred to in Job 1:6 & 2:1 were the two-thirds of all the remaining angels that were still in heaven that were not expelled from heaven when Lucifer fell. There appears to be a predetermined time when these “Sons of God” presented themselves before the Lord. It is a meeting/event that occurs every so often somewhere in the heavenly realms. If this meeting was attended by the angels that reside in heaven, the capital of the universe, where the New Jerusalem is located, why was Satan allowed to attend this meeting? According to the verses in question, these angels/sons of God presented themselves before the Lord at some appointed day/time. This means that they were not present before the Lord outside of this appointed day. Ok, taking this fact further logically, we can make an educated assumption. Jesus tells us that the heavenly angels are always beholding the Father’s face. (Matthew 18:10). Assuming this as fact, that would mean that the ones attending this heavenly council are not among those who are constantly in the presence of God.

If these “Sons of God” are a different group of heavenly beings other than the heavenly angels who are always in the presence of God, this may possibly explain why Satan had a right to be among them. So, how then do we explain Satan’s attendance? Well, Lucifer was expelled from the Holy City after an extensive war in heaven. Why would he be permitted entry just for a meeting? This meeting had to have taken place somewhere else.

After God did everything that was created during the six days, He gave it all to Adam and Eve and told them to subdue it and have dominion over it. (Genesis 1:28) The entire planet was theirs to manage and preside over. All the children and people that came afterward were supposed to be under their charge. Now, when Satan came and tempted them and succeeded in their fall, Satan now became the king of this planet. Adam and Eve became his servants by following him. (Romans 6:16) Satan very ingeniously, stole their crown.

Now back to the heavenly council. Satan was among this congregation that was presenting themselves before the Lord. Why? Because he was the delegated ruler of this planet earth. Had Adam never given up his dominion over the earth, it would have been Adam who would be present at this heavenly council. If Satan were the delegated representative of this planet among this congregation, whom would you suppose are the rest of the individuals who are in attendance? The obvious conclusion is that they are all representatives of the planets they come from.

“It is commonly held that this was a heavenly council involving the leaders of created worlds, and that Satan presumed to attend because he had usurped the place of Adam, the original “son of God” on planet Earth. The inference is that Adam was in some sense a representative of the whole human race. When Satan overcame Adam and Eve, “he claimed that their Eden home was his. He proudly boasted that the world which God had made was his dominion.” See paper by Jerry Moon Pg. 7 last par. 

If this crowd of delegates are all each king of the planet they represent, it stands to reason that there are countless planets out there other than our own. And when do you suppose these planets came into existence? If it took God six days to create a habitat for humankind, wouldn’t He have done the same with all the other planets?

God is an eternal being who never changes. (Malachi 3:6James 1:17Numbers 23:19Psalm 102:27) Therefore, whatever we see done on this planet can pretty much be considered the same template from which He creates everywhere else. Since God changes not and has no variableness, it would be easy to assume that the universe existed way before the six-day creation of this planet seeing there were already an infinite number of planets out there, each with their own creation story.

The entire Solar System existed before the creation story in Genesis. Since this planet was already there as a water world before God said, “Let there be light”, no doubt all her companions were there also. Look at all these planets. They are all in the same similar lifeless state as the earth used to be before God prepared it for human habitation. Let us take a quick tour of the planets in our Solar System. Click on the planet you wish to read about. Scroll down to an interactive view of the planet. On a PC you can use your mouse scroll wheel and cursor to navigate the view. You can zoom in/zoom out and view the planet from any angle. On a tablet or mobile device just use your fingers to pinch zoom in/zoom out or view the planet from any angle.

  1. Mercury

  2. Venus

  3. Earth

  4. Mars

  5. Saturn

  6. Jupiter

  7. Uranus

  8. Neptune

  9. Pluto

Finally, please (Click Here) to see what EGW Spirit of Prophecy has to say about worlds created before our planet. Also, (Click Here) to view the FAQ page relating to creation.

<Note> It may be necessary to note that some reference material from other writers may agree with specific ideas presented in this study. However, not all their material may be supported.