There is much to say about science. It is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. The scientific method is achieved by way of observation, evidence, experiment, reasoning, repetition, and analysis. These are logical steps we humans take to prove a theory or hypothesis as scientific fact. Christians do see a serious flaw in this methodology. This scientific methodology fails to prove the existence of God.

How can God, who created science, fail to provide a scientific methodology to prove His own existence? The flaw must not be on the scientific method, but rather, on the individuals applying the scientific method. This has been the greatest disaster man has created since the fall of Adam and Eve. Men of great intellect have successfully removed the God of science from science.

It is a common occurrence to have credit given where credit is not due. In an office environment, the head of the department delegates a subordinate employee to write up a letter in response to a client inquiry. The subordinate staff does all the research and all the footwork to complete the letter. Once completed, it is handed in to the supervisor. The supervisor then approves the letter with his/her signature and sends it out. Who get's the credit? The supervisor of course. Although the letter may have some unnoticeable initials down at some corner signifying the clerical that typed up the letter and the subordinate employee that authored the letter, it is the head of the department who receives the accolades for the response to the client's inquiry. This is the proper way it is done. Is it fair? Fairness is irrelevant, it's part of the job. The point is, that everything we see before our eyes was placed there by somebody. The problem is, that more often than not, we give credit where credit is not due.

If we want to be thankful for something, wouldn't it be wonderful if we actually thanked the person that made it happen? Who do we thank when we have a wonderful day? Who do we thank when all our bills are paid and all our financial records are up to date? Who do we thank when our doctor’s visit shows we are in perfect health? Do we take credit for a job well done? When all is going great, do we thank anyone? When things don't go so well, do we blame someone? When our car breaks down, do we blame the same one who granted us a great day the day before? Are we giving credit to the right people? It is unfortunate that today, science is the method used to give credit where credit is not due.

Our science textbooks teach us about how the universe came to be. It takes us back billions of years, about 13.8 billion years ago, when a tiny dense speck of matter exploded. The science geniuses call it the “Big Bang”. You would think there would be a more elaborate technical name. Scientists have no clue where this dense speck of matter came from, but let’s not worry or fret, they are still working on it. No doubt they’ll come up with something. Our famous scientific geniuses have made some absolutely wonderful and fantastic discoveries, particularly in the field of astronomy. There is so much to discover out there in deep space. The cosmos is so terrifyingly large that it would take infinity to discover and study it all. It is unfortunate that all the wonderful discoveries and advancements in knowledge regarding our created universe are based on a lie called, “The Big Bang”.

Early astronomers believed that the earth was the center of the universe thanks to a famous astronomer and mathematician called Claudius Ptolemy. Another famous astronomer and mathematician called Nicolaus Copernicus proposed that the sun was a stationary object and that it was the center of the universe. However, in the 5th century, two Greek philosophers called Philolaus and Hicetas speculated that neither the earth nor the sun was the center of the universe, rather, the center of the universe was a central fire that possessed some limitless essence. A French astronomer called Charles Messier identified the first galaxy in the cosmos. Later it was discovered that the universe was made up of many galaxies thanks to another astronomer called Edwin Hubble. Some years earlier, a Dutch astronomer and mathematician called Willem de Sitter claimed that the universe was expanding. This was later adopted by Albert Einstein and Edwin Hubble. Later, three individuals were awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering that the expansion of the universe was actually accelerating, namely, Saul Perlmutter, Brian Schmidt, and Adam Riess.

We can go on and on giving the proper credit to the scientists who discovered these wonderful facts about our universe. But at the end of the day, after all the accolades are given, none acknowledges who created all this. It has been observed that galaxies are in motion. They actually rotate around a central gravitational force. It is believed that at the center of every galaxy resides a gigantic “Black Hole” that keeps the galaxy in place. The universe contains almost an infinite number of galaxies. The enormity of the universe is mind-boggling. It has also been observed that the revolving galaxies revolve at the same speed whether it is close to the center or out at the distant borders on the edge. This seems to defy the laws of physics because gravity is supposed to be stronger in the center of a mass and weaker farther out. So it was expected that the rotation of galaxies would be slower at the outskirts, due to the distance of the gravitational pull. But due to the fact that the gravitational pull at the center of the galaxy was not the factor for this constant speed, it was determined that an unseen mass was causing this unusual phenomenon. Although not proven and not observed, they called this “Dark Matter”.

An astronomer called Fritz Zwicky found that the force of gravity at the center of a galaxy was no more than 1% of the force needed to keep stars from escaping the gravitational pull of that cluster. Something else was keeping these clusters from flying away, dispersing themselves into nothingness. It is said that most of the universe is made up of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Dark Matter, according to the experts, makes up 30.1% of the universe and Dark Energy takes up 69.4%. The rest of the visible universe takes up only 5% of all that exists. I wonder how they come up with these statistics.

So where did all this Dark Matter and Dark Energy come from? It is believed that Dark Matter and Dark Energy pre-existed the Big Bang. Scientists have yet to understand or even define what exactly it is. They just know it exists because it has gravitational properties and it has light-bending properties. Dark Matter occupies all space and it interacts with space and time. Dark Matter cannot be observed or detected by any electromagnet radiation methods. Its existence is known because of the effects it has on objects we can observe.

How foolish we must appear to the Creator of our universe. We see God in His full splendor and we still don't recognize Him.

“Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him?” says the LORD; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the LORD.” (Jeremiah 23:24)

We go to such lengths to explain the existence of everything completely eliminating the very “One” who created it all. We build these multibillion-dollar accelerators in order to split atoms into their smallest and most basic particles just to see if we can finally discover the existence of what these genius scientists call “The God Particle”. How ironic. We deny His existence, but we are still in search of Him.

Science and Our Invisible God